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Double layer Pad

Double-layer Pad
Double-layer Pad

Double layer Pad

Double-layer Pad
2pcs of double-layer sponge that is great for polishing or even cleaning surfaces. Thanks to the two layers (orange finer, dark grey coarser), it adapts perfectly to every kind of surface.
4.04  EUR (Including VAT)
In stock

Product code
Czech technology
Developed with scientists at the Technical University of Liberec.
Long-term protection
Protect your home for up to 2 years.
Clean up less
Cleaning will be much easier and less frequent.
Easy application
We'll help you with aplication.
Fast delivery
Product description

2pcs of double-layer sponge that is great for polishing or even cleaning surfaces. Thanks to the two layers (orange finer, dark grey coarser), it adapts perfectly to uneven surfaces..

The sponge is not suitable though for the application of protective polishes on smooth surfaces, such as car bodies (Ceramic Nano Armour), glass (Nano Protect Glass), painted surfaces (Nano Protect Painted Surface), glass-ceramics (Protect Glass-Ceramic) etc. For the application on smooth surfaces use the especialy designated Application Cloths or Application Pad.

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Product description

2pcs of double-layer sponge that is great for polishing or even cleaning surfaces. Thanks to the two layers (orange finer, dark grey coarser), it adapts perfectly to uneven surfaces..

The sponge is not suitable though for the application of protective polishes on smooth surfaces, such as car bodies (Ceramic Nano Armour), glass (Nano Protect Glass), painted surfaces (Nano Protect Painted Surface), glass-ceramics (Protect Glass-Ceramic) etc. For the application on smooth surfaces use the especialy designated Application Cloths or Application Pad.

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+420 604 723 723
(Mo - Th: 9:00 - 17:00)
Double-layer Pad

Double layer Pad

4.04  EUR
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