These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the relationship between the parties to the purchase agreement, on the one hand, the company PIKATEC Technology Ltd., ID 04395212, Tax ID CZ04395212, based in Praha 4, Záběhlice, Side I 892/27, registered in the Commercial Register Municipal court in Prague, file number C246721, as seller (hereinafter "PIKATEC Technology" or the "seller") and on the other hand, the purchaser (the "buyer").
For more information about PIKATEC Technology are listed on the website in the " About Us ".
Buyer is a consumer or entrepreneur.
Consumer is every person who outside his business or outside the independent exercise of their profession is contracting with PIKATEC Technology or otherwise acts.
Entrepreneur is a person who independently carries out on its own account and responsibility of gainful employment a trade or similar means with the intention to do so consistently for profit. For entrepreneurs, it is considered, among other things. For the purpose of consumer protection also every person who enters into a contract related to its own business, manufacturing or similar activities, or if a separate exercise of their profession, or a person acting for or on behalf of the entrepreneur.
Buyer placing an order confirms that he is acquainted with these GTC, which forms an integral part of communication prior to the conclusion of the contract, Complaints Procedure and the documentary "Means of transport", and that they explicitly agree, in the wording valid and in effect at the time of booking.
The buyer is aware that the purchase of products that are in the business offer PIKATEC Technology no right to use registered trademarks, trade names, company logos, etc. PIKATEC Technology or contractors PIKATEC Technology, unless in a special contract otherwise agreed.
The buyer receives a copy of the GTC as an attachment order confirmation to that address, the tax document containing the essential elements of the contract, the Buyer when the goods and / or services.
PIKATEC Technology says that
a) the cost of the means of distance communication is not different from the basic rate (or in. Internet and dial-up connections to the terms of your operator PIKATEC Technology does not charge any additional fees, it does not cover or. transportation contract)
b) requires payment of the purchase price before the takeover by the Buyer from fulfilling PIKATEC Technology, eventually. the obligation to pay a deposit or similar payment applies Buyer's requirements for the provision of specific services, if requested and delivered,
c) does not enter into a contract for the performance is repeated;
d) Prices of goods and services on the site are operated PIKATEC Technology presented including and excluding VAT, including all fees prescribed by law, but the cost of the supply of goods or services vary according to the selected method and provider of transportation and the method of payment, or in. personal collection at his own expense Branch 0, - CZK;
e) if the buyer is a consumer, the consumer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract (unless otherwise stated below), and within fourteen days, which runs from the date of conclusion of the contract and in the case of
i) the purchase contract, the date of receipt of goods,
ii) the agreement the subject of several kinds of goods or supply of several parts, from receipt of the final delivery of the goods,
and this withdrawal must be sent to the headquarters PIKATEC Technology
g) the consumer can withdraw from the contract:
i) the provision of services which PIKATEC Technology complied with the prior express consent of the consumer before the deadline for withdrawal,
ii) the supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations of financial markets beyond the control PIKATEC Technology and which may occur during the period for withdrawal,
iii) the supply of goods, which has been modified as desired by the consumer or to his person,
iv) the transport or leisure activities, if the entrepreneur provides these transactions in a timely fashion,
h) in case of withdrawal the consumer will bear the cost of returning the goods, and in the case of a contract through means of distance communication costs for returning the goods if the goods can not be returned to their character usual postal route;
i) the contract, respectively. respective tax document will be stored in the electronic archive PIKATEC Technology;
j) if the consumer has a complaint, it may be applied to management PIKATEC Technology, eventually. can be addressed complaints about the supervisor or state supervision. Any disputes between PIKATEC Technology and the buyer can also be addressed amicably. In this case the Buyer - Consumer can contact the ADR entity, which as the Czech Trade Inspection ( or a dispute online through the designated ODR platform (
Buyer can conclude an agreement by adopting a proposal for concluding a contract on the website operated PIKATEC Technology that requested performance (goods and services) or inserted into the cart. if the registered user buys PIKATEC Technology Express. The buyer can enter into a contract to assist the worker PIKATEC Technology, either directly to the office or over the phone and fax or email the order. Before Buyers confirmed binding order, the Purchaser has the right to change how the required performance, service and payment method, therefore, check all the data entered into the order. The purchase contract is sending an order by the Buyer after the election of transportation and the method of payment and acceptance of orders PIKATEC Technology, for any errors during data transmission PIKATEC Technology is not responsible. Conclusion of the contract PIKATEC Technology immediately confirm the buyer informative e-mail to Buyer specified email.
Attached to this confirmation is the current version of GTC, including the Complaints Procedure PIKATEC Technology. Resulting contract (including the agreed price) can be changed or canceled only by agreement of the parties or based on legal grounds. For an exception to this procedure, see section Ordering.
Relations and any disputes arising under the contract shall be resolved exclusively by the law of the Czech Republic and will be resolved by the competent courts of the Czech Republic.
The contract is concluded in the Czech language. If there is a need for Buyer's translation of the text of the contract, applies that in case of a dispute concerning the interpretation of terms, the interpretation of the contract in the Czech language.
The contract seller is archived for at least five years from its conclusion, but no longer than under the relevant legislation for its successful fulfillment and is not accessible to non-participating third parties. Information about individual technical steps leading to the conclusion of the contract are evident from these business conditions, where this process is clearly described.
Purchase agreement with PIKATEC Technology undertakes to the Purchaser refer the matter that is the subject of purchase, and allow him to acquire title to it, and Buyer agrees that the thing takes over and pays the purchase price PIKATEC Technology.
PIKATEC Technology retains ownership of things, and therefore the buyer becomes the owner until full payment of the purchase price.
PIKATEC Technology refer the matter to the Buyer, as well as documents that relate to things, and enable the purchaser to acquire ownership rights to the matter in accordance with the contract.
PIKATEC Technology fulfills the obligation to submit the matter to Buyer if it enables him to handle things in the place of fulfillment and timely notify him.
If PIKATEC thing to send Technology, refer the matter to the Buyer (entrepreneurs) transfer to the first carrier for transport to Buyer and Buyer will enable to exercise rights under the transport contract with any carrier PIKATEC Technology give to the buyer - consumers up once his thing from the carrier.
Adds if PIKATEC Technology larger amount of things than was agreed, the purchase contract concluded on the excess amount, unless the buyer promptly refused.
PIKATEC Technology Buyer surrender the object of purchase at the agreed quantity, quality and design.
Unless stated how the thing should be wrapped, packed Technology PIKATEC thing by custom; if not, then the manner required for the preservation and protection case. In the same manner with Technology PIKATEC thing for transport.
Thing is defective, unless agreed properties. The defect is regarded as the fulfillment of other things and flaws in the documents necessary for the use of things.
Buyer's right of defective performance constitutes a defect he has a thing at the risk of damage to the Buyer, even take effect until later. Buyer's right to establish and later formed defect which caused PIKATEC Technology breach of its obligations
Buyer thing as possible inspected as soon as possible after the risk of damage to property and convinces with its properties and quantity.
Risk of damage to Buyer takeover matters. The same result has, if not taken Buyer thing, although it was allowed to dispose PIKATEC Technology.
Damage to things arising after the transfer of risk of damage to the Buyer, does not affect its obligation to pay the purchase price, unless PIKATEC Technology damages caused by breach of its obligations.
Delay parties to assume things the other hand, there is the right thing after a prior notice on account of the lingering appropriate way to sell after prodlévajícímu provide additional reasonable deadline for acceptance. This applies even if the party lingers in the payment of which is subject to referral of the case.
Responsibility PIKATEC Technology
PIKATEC Technology corresponds to Buyer that the matter on receipt has no defects. Especially Pikatec corresponds to Buyer that at the time the buyer over the case,
a) the thing has qualities that the parties have agreed, and the absence of agreement, those characteristics that describe Pikatec or manufacturer or buyer expected given the nature of the goods and based on advertising they carry,
b) the thing fit for the purpose which for its use Pikatec states or to which this kind of thing normally used,
c) that in the corresponding quantity, measure or weight and
d) The case meets the requirements of the legislation.
When manifest defect within six months of receipt, it is considered that the case was defective at the time of takeover.
The buyer is entitled to exercise the right of the defect, which occurs in consumer products during the twenty-four months after the takeover, but this does not apply to:
a) things sold for a lower price on the defect for which the lower price was negotiated,
b) wear and tear caused by normal use,
c) in the case of used objects to defect by use or wear that thing should take over the buyer, or
d) if it appears that the nature of things.
Right from defective performance of the Purchaser shall not be paid if the buyer knew that the thing has a defect, or if the buyer caused the defect itself.
If a thing defect from which PIKATEC Technology committed, and if it is a thing sold for a lower price or a used thing, the Purchaser has the right to place exchange of the right to an adequate discount.
Substantial breach of contract
If defective performance of a substantial breach of the contract, the Buyer has the right
a) to eliminate defects in the delivery of new things without defect or delivery of missing things unless it is due to the nature of the defect unreasonable, but if the defect concerns only a component of the thing, the buyer may request a replacement part; if this is not possible, it may withdraw from the contract. If, however, due to the nature of the defect disproportionate, especially if you can remedy the defect without undue delay, the buyer is entitled to a free remedy;
b) to eliminate the defect repairing things,
c) a reasonable discount from the purchase price, or
d) withdrawal.
Buyer shall communicate PIKATEC Technology, which law he chose, when notifying defects or without undue delay after notification of the defect. The buyer of the option selected can not be changed without the consent PIKATEC Technology; this does not apply if the buyer asked fix defects that may prove unrecoverable. If not eliminate PIKATEC Technology defects within a reasonable time or notify the buyer if the defects are not removed, the buyer may require the removal of defects instead of a reasonable discount on the purchase price or cancel the contract. Do not make the Buyer's right on time, the law as in the case of minor breach of contract - see below.
Buyer-consumer has the right to an adequate discount in case he PIKATEC Technology can deliver new thing without defects, replace the part or thing to fix, and if the Pikatec fails to remedy within a reasonable time, or that the remedy consumers rise to substantial trouble
Minor breach of contract
If defective performance unsubstantial breach of contract, the Buyer has the right to remove defects or a reasonable discount from the purchase price.
Until the Purchaser exercised its right to reduce the purchase price or withdraws from the contract, may PIKATEC Technology to deliver what is missing, or remove the legal defect. Other defects may PIKATEC Technology remove its option, repair things or delivery of new things.
If not eliminate PIKATEC Technology defect in a timely matter or thing refuses to remove the defect, the Buyer may reduce the purchase price or cancel the contract. The buyer of the option selected can not be changed without the consent PIKATEC Technology.
The right to deliver new things, or replace parts of a buyer in the case of removable defects if the thing can not be properly used for recurring defect or for a larger number of defects. In this case, the Purchaser has the right to cancel the contract.
When delivered new things Purchaser shall return PIKATEC Technology at the expense of the court originally supplied.
The buyer did not report if the defect without undue delay after he could in a timely inspection and adequate care to know, the court had the right of defective performance confesses. If it is a hidden defect, the same applies if the defect was not notified without undue delay after her buyer with sufficient care could determine no later than two years after handing over the case.
Guarantee for the quality of the PIKATEC Technology agrees that the matter will be eligible for a certain period to be used for the normal purpose or will retain the usual properties. These effects have also stated warranty period or shelf stuff on the label or in advertising. The guarantee can also be granted to an individual component of the case.
The warranty period runs from handing things Buyer; If the matter was under contract sent, runs from this affair destination. If the purchased thing to put into operation by someone other than PIKATEC Technology, the warranty period from the day of putting things into operation if the buyer ordered commissioning no later than three weeks from the receipt of the matter and properly and timely provided to perform services necessary cooperation.
The buyer has the right to the warranty, if the defect caused after the transfer of risk of damage to the Buyer external event.
Withdrawal to consumers
The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days. The deadline under the first sentence runs from the date of conclusion of the contract and in the case of
a) the purchase contract, the date of receipt of goods,
b) agreement the subject of several kinds of goods or supply of several parts, from receipt of the final delivery of the goods, or
c) a contract whose object is regularly repeated delivery of goods, from receipt of the first delivery.
PIKATEC Technology allows the consumer to withdraw through a written request for withdrawal, and thus consumers Pikatec confirm without delay in text form its adoption.
The buyer may use the attached model withdrawal form the contract, but it is not his duty.
A model withdrawal form to:
Notice of withdrawal
- Recipient (there will be the company name, registered address and optionally
fax number and e-mail address entrepreneur - seller):
- I / We (*) hereby give notice that I / We (*) contract of sale of
- Ordered on (*) / received (*)
- Name and surname of the consumer / consumers
- Address of consumer / consumer
- Signature of the consumer / consumers (only if this form is sent in paper form)
- Date
(*) Delete as appropriate or add data.
-------------------------------------------------- --------
You can also withdraw by correspondence at:
PIKATEC Technology Ltd. - Čestlice 289 Čestlice 251 01
If the consumer withdraws from the contract, sends or forwards PIKATEC Technology without undue delay, no later than fourteen days after the withdrawal of goods from PIKATEC Technology received, at his own expense.
Goods consumer should return the full, complete with documentation, undamaged, clean, preferably including the original packaging, in the condition and value, they took the goods.
If he chooses the consumer to withdraw within that period, it is recommended to speed up the execution resignation of goods delivered to the address PIKATEC Technology together with the attached cover letter with a possible reason for withdrawal from the contract (not required), with the number of purchase document and indicated bank account number or indicating whether the amount will be collected in cash or whether it will be implemented in the form Pikatec Credit.
The consumer shall only PIKATEC Technology for diminution in value, which was caused by the handling other than what is necessary to treat it with respect to its nature and characteristics.
If the consumer withdraws from the contract, he will return PIKATEC Technology without undue delay, no later than fourteen days after the withdrawal, all the funds that from him under the contract received in the same way.
In the event that the consumer has full registration (name, surname, address and contact email) Technology PIKATEC he returns received peněžení equipment except for the costs of delivery through special gift vouchers (Pikatec Credit), which can be used according to the terms of service Pikatec Credit.
If the consumer withdraws from the contract, PIKATEC Technology is not obliged to return the funds received by consumers before her consumer goods pass or prove that the goods sent PIKATEC Technology.
The consumer acknowledges that if the goods provided gifts, the gift agreement between PIKATEC Technology and the Buyer is concluded with a condition that occurs when the usage rights of the consumer to withdraw from the contract, gift contract is due to expire and the consumer is required along with returned goods back with the related gifts, including all provided what they were enriched. In the event that these will not be returned, these values are seen as unjust enrichment consumers. Unless surrender the unjust enrichment may well have PIKATEC Technology entitled to financial compensation in the amount of the usual price.
Withdrawal in other cases
The buyer can not cancel the contract or request delivery of new things, unable to return the thing in the state in which they are received. This does not apply
a) there is a change in status as a result of inspections to detect defects to
b) If the buyer used the thing before discovering the defect,
c) If the buyer did not cause the impossibility of returning things in the same state acts or omissions, or
d) If the buyer sold the thing before discovering the defect, if it consumed or changed if the matter in normal use; If you become so only partially returned Buyer Technology PIKATEC you can still go back and give PIKATEC Technology reimbursed up, which should benefit from the use of things.
The buyer has notified if things defect in time, loses the right to withdraw from the contract.
Privacy and sending business messages
Privacy purchaser who is a natural person is provided by Act no. 101/2000 Coll., On Personal Data Protection, as amended.
Buyer agrees to the processing of their personal data: name, date of birth, address, identification number, tax identification number, email address, telephone number and possible other personal data given when ordering goods or customer registration. (Hereinafter collectively referred to as "personal information").
Buyer agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller, for the purpose of realization of rights and obligations under the contract and for sending commercial messages and information and offering business or services.
The processing of personal data of the buyer, the seller may appoint a third party as a processor.
In addition to the persons transporting goods respectively. in connection with payments relating to the goods ordered are not personal data by the seller without the prior consent of the buyer passed on to third parties unless otherwise stated below. The seller is entitled as an administrator name and address of the data subject in advance to offering services and other administrators, and that the company PIKATEC CZ, sro, identification number 29133416, located in Prague 4 - Záběhlice, Side I 892/27, ZIP code 14100 . The data subject - the buyer was about this procedure prodívajícím advance and voiced disagreement with this procedure.
Personal data shall be processed for an indefinite period. Personal data will be processed electronically in an automated manner or in printed form non-automated manner.
The buyer confirms that the personal information is accurate and that he was advised that it is voluntarily provide personal information. The buyer claims he was instructed that consent to the processing of personal data in relation to the seller revoked by written notice delivered to the address of the seller or his email address.
In the event that the buyer thought the seller or processor processes the personal data that is inconsistent with the protection of private and personal life of the purchaser or against the law, especially if the personal data are inaccurate for the purpose of processing, may:
- Ask the seller or processor for explanation
- Require the seller or the processor rectifies the situation. You may in particular blocking, correction, supplementing or liquidation of personal data. If the buyer's request under the preceding sentence is found justified, the seller or processor to remove the trouble. If the seller fails or processor, the buyer has the right to appeal directly to the Office for Personal Data Protection. This provision shall not affect the buyer's permission to turn his initiative to the Office for Personal Data Protection.
If the buyer requests information regarding the processing of their personal data, the seller must deliver this information. The seller has the right to provide information pursuant to the preceding sentence, require reasonable compensation not exceeding the costs of providing the necessary information.
Buyer agrees to receive information related to goods, services or company the seller to the buyer's email address and agree to receive commercial information on the buyer's email address.
PIKATEC Technology can further when granting consent process called. "Cookies" in order to facilitate the provision of information society services, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 95/46 / EC for the purpose of "cookies" and similar tools, and ensure that users are made aware of information which are stored in the terminal equipment they are using, PIKATEC Technology for this purpose by separate terms and conditions for the use of cookies. Users have the option to refuse the "cookies" or similar device stored on their terminal equipment, eg. That runs in your browser's private browsing functionality.
Orders through online stores PIKATEC Technology: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
All prices are negotiable. In an online e-shop are always up to date and current prices.
Buyer acknowledges that if the price stated in the e-shop for some goods will obviously beyond the usual prices of goods, the circumstances would imply that it is an action sale, then it may be a technical error, and the price the seller is binding only if it confirms the seller to the buyer before a purchase contract. To verify the timeliness of such purchase price, the buyer is entitled to contact the seller in particular its e-mail at info @ or on telephone line listed on
Prices are final, ie. Including VAT, respectively. all other taxes and fees that the consumer must pay to obtain the goods, it does not apply to any charges for freight, dobírečné and the cost of communication devices remotely.
Special prices valid while stocks when placing quantity of goods or an action for a period of time specified. In the case of an appeal of any action by selling publish that information on
RRP is a manufacturer / supplier suggested retail price.
The buyer gets the performance for the price valid at the time of ordering. This price will be listed in the order and in a message confirming receipt of goods orders.
Orders can be placed in the following ways:
1. through electronic commerce PIKATEC Technology (hereinafter referred to as "e-commerce");
Second e-mail at;
3rd person in the premises PIKATEC Technology;
4. telephone
Pikatec recommends the buyer to place orders through e-commerce via the registered buyer profile on PIKATEC Technology. In the case of public Internet access also recommends Buyer to unsubscribe from your profile after ordering.
The seller accepts the following payment terms:
a. Payment by cash or credit card when buying,
b. Payment in advance by bank transfer,
c. Payment by MasterCard or Visa through an Internet payment portal,
d. cash on delivery (cash from a customer takes the carrier - the buyer pays extra so. dobírečné - see "mode of transport")
The goods remain until full payment and receipt owned PIKATEC Technology, but the risk of damage passes receipt of goods by the Buyer. If, within 30 days from order creation not as payment will be automatically canceled.
Using vouchers is governed by the general terms and conditions of use vouchers which are an integral part of these general business conditions.
Business conditions of use voucher PIKATEC Technology, detail the relationship between PIKATEC Technology and the Purchaser in relation to the use of vouchers, regardless of whether vouchers are sold separately or as part of other products.
Voucher: a voucher issued PIKATEC Technology, which entitles the Buyer, respectively. person for which the buyer transferred ownership of the Voucher for drawing these goods and services by the Contractor PIKATEC Technology:
Client: buyer or person for which the ownership of the voucher client transferred. If the buyer transferred ownership of the voucher to a third party, then this person has the authority to draw performance under the voucher to the same extent as the buyer, and is bound by the same restrictions as buyers listed in the "range of services and the use of voucher"
For more information on types of vouchers are given to .
Contractual partner PIKATEC Technology: person in whose premises the individual vouchers can be applied as consideration for services rendered and who are receiving their contractually obligated.
Scope of services and the use of vouchers.
Voucher entitles the client to use services and goods at the Contractor PIKATEC Technology. Name and range of goods and services, for which payment may be individual vouchers to use on each voucher indicated. To cover other than the designated goods and services Voucher can not be used. Each voucher contains information about its use.
PIKATEC Technology as part of its activities through a network of contractors in the premises of individual vouchers can be applied and who are receiving their contractually obligated. The buyer acknowledges that this network of subcontractors can be changed. The current list of contractors is listed on .
The legal relationship between the Client and contract partner PIKATEC Technology is governed by a separate agreement between the client and contractors PIKATEC Technology, in which the client decides to apply the voucher. PIKATEC Technology is not liable to the Client for the quality of services / goods drawn on the basis of a voucher or assume any responsibility for potential risks that may be associated with voucher holders drawing provided services / goods at the Contractor PIKATEC PIKATEC Technology. PIKATEC Technology assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by incorrect application of nanotechnology PIKATEC third party.
The voucher can only be redeemed once. The contractual partner PIKATEC Technology enters the provided performance compared to a voucher number in PIKATEC Technology to validate the voucher. By typing a number into a voucher given application is applied Voucher and already it can not apply again. (Ie. Re-enter the same number in the application PIKATEC Technology will be rejected).
Application of car care products:
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that a prerequisite for use of the services / goods on the basis of the voucher, concerning the application nanokosmetiky PIKATEC on the car is that the car to be applied to the product nanokosmetika PIKATEC Technology, ie. In connection with which they are to be provided with services / product is washed or in a state of pollution corresponding to normal operation. Buyer acknowledges that any extra washing car unwashed for months or years, or extremely polluted, for example, driving off-road, asphalt, paint or other chemicals, can negotiate with the contractors PIKATEC Technology alone and cover the costs to implement that maintenance when such costs Voucher can not be paid through a voucher can not be based on these services draw.
Buyer acknowledges that as long as the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology does not land a car wash or in a state of pollution by normal operation, there is no contractual partner PIKATEC Technology obliged to provide the services / goods on the basis of the voucher.
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that a prerequisite for use of the services / goods on the basis of the voucher is the car to be applied nanokosmetika PIKATEC product, ie. In connection with which they are to be provided with services, not damaged to the extent neumožňujícím product applications. Otherwise, the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology obliged to supply these services / products provide.
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that a prerequisite for use of the services / goods on the basis of the voucher is that it simultaneously with the car, to be applied to the product nanokosmetika PIKATEC, a product that has to be applied before the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology, or him at his purchases , if not explicitly describe the service / product being pumped under the voucher stated that it is part of the fulfillment paid on the basis of the voucher.
Applications nanokosmetiky household:
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that a prerequisite for use of the services / goods on the basis of the voucher, concerning the application nanokosmetiky PIKATEC household, is that the objects which should be applied to the product nanokosmetika PIKATEC Technology, ie. In connection with which they are to be provided with services / goods are washed or in a state of pollution corresponding to normal operation. Buyer acknowledges that any extra washing objects unwashed for months or years, or extremely polluted, for example, paint or other chemicals, can negotiate with the contractors PIKATEC Technology alone and cover the costs to implement that maintenance when such costs can not be paid through the voucher and based Voucher can not draw on these services.
Buyer acknowledges that as long as the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology will not disclose household - objects which the product is to be applied nanokosmetika PIKATEC Technology in the state of pollution by normal operation, there is no contractual partner PIKATEC Technology obliged to provide the services / goods on the basis of the voucher.
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that a prerequisite for use of the services / goods on the basis of the voucher is that the objects which should be applied to the product nanokosmetika PIKATEC Technology, ie. In connection with which they are to be provided with services, not damaged to the extent neumožňujícím product applications. Otherwise, the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology obliged to supply these services / products provide.
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that a prerequisite for use of the services / goods on the basis of the voucher is that it simultaneously with the objects which should be applied to the product nanokosmetika PIKATEC Technology, a product that has to be applied before the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology, or he with him purchase, if not explicitly describe the service / product being pumped under the voucher stated that it is part of the fulfillment paid on the basis of the voucher.
purchase voucher
To purchase and delivery voucher General Terms and Conditions and the current price PIKATEC Technology.
validity voucher
The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of issue, if not on him indicated otherwise. Validity voucher is time limited. The period of validity of the voucher is indicated on each voucher, upon expiry of the voucher can no longer use payment services / goods.
Buyer shall not be entitled to repayment or redemption voucher PIKATEC Technology, where the legislation from which no derogation is provided otherwise.
If the Buyer respectively. person to whom Voucher transferred, Voucher raised before the deadline for withdrawal, ie. has been using the services, then it is considered that the application of the voucher at the contractor PIKATEC Technology Buyer expressly agreed to provide services / supply of voucher before the deadline withdrawal, that Buyer takes in accordance with § 1837 point. a) Civil Code that, in such a case does not have the right to withdraw from the contract.
Best PIKATEC Technology
PIKATEC Technology guarantees the buyer after the voucher validity period, the voucher can be used at contractual partners PIKATEC Technology for payment services / goods to the extent specified on the voucher.
For services / products to the extent specified on the voucher the client until the validity of the voucher negotiate separately with the contractual partner PIKATEC Technology. Buyer acknowledges that the duration of the provision of services / goods depends on the operational capacity of the contracting partners PIKATEC Technology, the contractor PIKATEC Technology is not bound by the proposal term client.
PIKATEC Technology Buyer undertakes to return the price it paid for the voucher, against the returned voucher if:
in the Czech Republic there will be no contractual partner or PIKATEC Technology
any contractual partner PIKATEC Technology, in which the client wanted to order services / products, the Voucher will not offer Client date of commencement of services / goods within 30 days of order. Given the Buyer is obliged to prove PIKATEC Technology.
any contractual partner PIKATEC Technology, in which the client ordered services / goods to the extent Voucher these services within the agreed timeframe begins to provide, although it was required, and takes corrective action or to 5 working days from receipt of the invitation to remedy. Given the Buyer is obliged to prove PIKATEC Technology.
In the event that the voucher will be purchased under the joint packaging of products sold PIKATEC Technology (hereinafter "Common package with voucher"), then the Buyer in the cases mentioned in this article under the above point. a), b), c) thereof the right to his choice only return voucher or full Common package with a voucher. In the event that will be returned only Voucher, then the Buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price for Voucher currently valid price list according to PIKATEC Technology . In the event that will be refunded the entire Common package with a voucher, then the Buyer is entitled to payment for the Common package with a voucher.
The price paid for the Voucher / Common packing with a voucher if her Purchaser will be entitled will be returned within 30 days of receipt of Buyer PIKATEC Technology manner specified by the buyer. Along with the application must be returned PIKATEC Technology Voucher and in case of claiming a prize package with intact Common voucher. By returning the voucher / Joint package with voucher sales contract expires in the range of returned transactions.
Personal collection:
Goods buyers paid in advance can only assume the buyer or his representative. This person must be sufficiently identified and show a valid identity card or valid passport. Prosecutor then must submit beyond the documents referred to in the preceding sentence properly issued and the buyer signed a written power of attorney.
Goods that have not been paid by the buyer in advance, it is against the payment of the purchase price or the buyer is entitled to collect any person who presents the order number communicated to the buyer in the purchase contract. Identity documents or a written power of attorney is not required.
Sending transport service - Czech Republic:
Goods can be sent to the buyer shipping service selected. Condition of the order is received until 12:00. Transporter normally delivers shipments anywhere in the Czech Republic within 24 hours. Price of transport is governed by the current price list on the day of the order.
Sending transport service - SR:
Goods can be sent to the buyer shipping service directly to their elected address. Condition of the order is received until 12:00. Transporter normally delivers shipments anywhere in SR within 48 hours. Price of transport is governed by the current price list on the day of the order.
Transport prices can be found on the website
The buyer is obliged to immediately check the delivery status along with the carrier package (number of packages, intactness of tape with company logo, damaged box) according to the waybill. The buyer is entitled to refuse to accept the shipment, which is not in conformity with the contract that such consignment is. Incomplete or damaged. If so damaged shipment Buyer from the carrier, it is necessary to describe the damage in the handover protocol carrier.
Damaged or incomplete shipment must be reported immediately by e-mail to, draw up a damage report and this promptly sent by fax, e-mail or post PIKATEC Technology. Additional complaints incompleteness or external damage to the shipment does not relieve the Purchaser claim the right thing, it gives PIKATEC Technology to demonstrate that it is not a conflict with the contract.
Warranty terms for goods are governed by PIKATEC Technology and relevant legislation of the Czech Republic. Such warranty is typically used proof of purchase (see Complaints Procedure).
These General Terms and Conditions, including its components are valid and effective from February 15, 2017 and cancels the previous version of GTC, including its components, and are available at the headquarters and premises PIKATEC Technology or electronically .